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ForuMotion more popular

Master Marc
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ForuMotion more popular Empty ForuMotion more popular

Post by Rok Tue 7 Apr - 4:38

We need to make ForuMotion more popular. I mean really; there is over 21,000 members on this support forum, but that's still not a lot. Think about it. There's more babies than that in just one state of the US. But, there are more users that don't and never will get on the support forum, so that would probally be another additional 50,000 users, which is still not enough. ForuMotion is pretty popular, but it's nowhere near complete popularity. We need to get active- have advertisements, MySpace pages, Twitter pages, etc. We need ot get ForuMotion in the 'up'. There are many advertisement forums that have more members currently online than what this support forum have that visited the past 24 hours. ForuMotion is one of the best forum-hostings there are out there and we need to share that with other people. We need to spread the word out everywhere and tell our friends. If we all can work together, we can do something extremely great. Caihlem or whoever can make a MySpace page as well as other pages. We have a Facebook page; why not more than that?

Male Posts : 6823
Reputation : 234
Language : idk

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ForuMotion more popular Empty Re: ForuMotion more popular

Post by Sky Tue 7 Apr - 4:59

Rok, this is a Support Forum.
Many Admins don't register to support forums, but they use Forumotion as host. And there are more boards like the spanish and french. So it isnt just
21,000, And anyways, when you click on Google for create a forum, Forumotion is the first option.

Male Posts : 314
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ForuMotion more popular Empty Re: ForuMotion more popular

Post by ngocducqtk32 Tue 7 Apr - 5:38

Try forumotion.. and forumotion is the first change of me ! .. But.. as my seem... Every body.. change forumotion first.. after that.. a little of them to become fond of forumotion .. why ?.. Last big update.. is a hope of most member.. but .. they want more that.... !!!!

Male Posts : 173
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Language : Việt Nam
Location : Việt Nam

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ForuMotion more popular Empty Re: ForuMotion more popular

Post by Eximma Tue 7 Apr - 10:58

Indeed, basically forumotion was French, but it developed to other languages.

The french support forum has 84262 members registered, but as it's said above, many admins don't need help to manage their forums, so don't register Wink
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Male Posts : 1358
Reputation : 36
Language : French, English, learning japanese [gave up with german :'(]
Location : France

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ForuMotion more popular Empty Re: ForuMotion more popular

Post by Jazeon Sat 18 Apr - 7:01

Well forumotion is the best of the best eh.
So I hoped a lot of members can see this forum and won't quit on this host.

Male Posts : 283
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ForuMotion more popular Empty Re: ForuMotion more popular

Post by Master Marc Mon 20 Apr - 0:59

Well,you can see links to this forum in your admin panel,and the little green thing screaming in the admin panel,when you click it,you come to this forum,the support forum,but people just come and go,but when they have a question,they stay till they get an answer, Neutral .
Master Marc
Master Marc

Male Posts : 3661
Reputation : 47
Language : English and Spanish.

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ForuMotion more popular Empty Re: ForuMotion more popular

Post by Rok Mon 20 Apr - 3:01

Yeah, all of you guys are pretty right.

Male Posts : 6823
Reputation : 234
Language : idk

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ForuMotion more popular Empty Re: ForuMotion more popular

Post by Gaterl Mon 20 Apr - 20:05

All about the publicity that these forums Haig clear whether U.S. put advertising on their forums or clear that Haig had never seen a forum as is a forum to speak Spanish
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ForuMotion more popular Empty Re: ForuMotion more popular

Post by Pacific Mon 20 Apr - 21:31

I think that there are so many Forumotion's forums out there!
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ForuMotion more popular Empty Re: ForuMotion more popular

Post by Walshy95 Wed 22 Apr - 0:25

If we were to advertise this forum, ask other forum types such as vB, IPB ect, ect to put advertisements of Forumotion up, then there is a slight chance we'll get lots of members, but also another slight chance that random people could just be joining to cause trouble or something, and I like this forum as it is now and I don't want any of that to happen. We already get lots of guests on this forum non-stop every 24 hours day in, day out, and probably half of them guests register. And besides, the ammount of members we have now is just about enough for a free forum host, so I say Forumotion did quite well! Very good
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ForuMotion more popular Empty Re: ForuMotion more popular

Post by Rok Wed 22 Apr - 0:28

then there is a slight chance we'll get lots of members, but also another slight chance that random people could just be joining to cause trouble or something, and I like this forum as it is now and I don't want any of that to happen.
Indeed; however, I was never referring to more members on the support forum. I was reffering to more users using ForuMotion.

Male Posts : 6823
Reputation : 234
Language : idk

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ForuMotion more popular Empty Re: ForuMotion more popular

Post by Guest Mon 4 May - 0:46

Uhmm how can I say this without the snipers opening fire?.....................

Forumotion is doing better as of late, I have seen some polls and graphs that show that people are choosing forumotion more now.

The reason? Not sure but the new folks would be the ones to answer.

What forumotion has going for it is the ease of use Admin panel.

Since leaving forumotion a few months ago and starting my own service, that has been my biggest project making the admin panel easy to navagate like forumotion.

The biggest problem that I have seen posted about forumotion (and what I have severely criticized) is all the bugs with the updates.

I dont understand that problem to this day. Forumotion has several servers why not reserve one that has test forums on it and release the updates to those forums to see if there are bugs, fix them then release the update to the forumotion members.

Then again the forumotion that I knew was totally different then any other code monkies I ever seen.

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ForuMotion more popular Empty Re: ForuMotion more popular

Post by pizza Mon 4 May - 1:26

the reason why is that there are other free forum hosters as well

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